mcqueen disney

mcqueen disney

guarantees great to see you again aired i'm so glad you came back and haveanother today let's go ahead and take a look at this one disney pixar cars lightning mcqueen carbon fiber mack launcher unboxing - wd toys pixar cars car racer map muncher boythat's a lot of words it's gonna be a lot of fun if you enjoy this video make sure you click like 11 commentslater we'll have today's secret word and it also meant card a lot more fun videos wow let's go ahead ok guys here is the carbon research maclauncher and it looks totally also be

transformed lightning mcqueen's lookinto easy steps there's the instructions here's what thepackage looks like before it open let's take a look at the back of it is anice long carbon resource a 95 lightning mcqueen and his looked changes when hepops out the back also was in here ok here's what he looks like before weactually take him however the actual packaging so cool ok ok here is the link between law andjurado this package looks also stirred up here in the front here you've got amac got 95 lightning mcqueen and to go down the trailer he's got all kinds ofdifferent advertising three rock carbon

fiber lightning mcqueen 95 saw histrailer looks awesome in this opens up also and here you can see it's like thisis like the mechanic area for lightning mcqueen hear back here you go moreadvertising this is the ramp that it's gonna roll down to the carbon fiber areawe're gonna change the body of lightning mcqueen which is also known here's alook at mac from the from big smile me he's got his regular law piston cup herehere's a look at the other side of him and the other side of the trailer lookspretty much the same with this site doesn't open up so that that that's alittle bit different mac does also released from his trailerbut you have to take to screw all to

release him so it's not it's not like a quick release truck andhere is a look at the back the lightning mcqueen picture again andit does open up so this is where the car is going to come alt so that is alsolet's take a look at the car itself so the car is the carbon fiber lightningmcqueen this is more of his this would be like his old racing look before thecarbon fiber look so this is really awesome he has lightyear on the tires 95these cars are really awesome guys i mean they are almost the size of my handand they're nice heavy die cast metal their role super smooth and they are apretty decent price

most of the time you could pick these upfor $6 it on there and for that price of your getting a lot of car and it is allsongs they do a really great job decorating these cars here's a look atthe other side ok the tires are plastic they're notrobber but he rolls really nice smooth and here's a look at the carbon fibershell this is the shell that's gonna be pressed onto the car so it does lookreally cool so without further ado let's get lightning mcqueen transformed okfirst thing your gonna do you gonna take this carbon shell here and put it rightinto their and then close the door and then you gonna pull lightningmcqueen in here on this ram and he will

roll forward and when he rolls forwardyour gonna push the first but none talk that pushes him to the front of thevehicle and it pushes him under the carbon shell the one you push this onethat pushes the carbon shell onto the vehicle then you're gonna push thisbutton to launch him out the back let's check that out and their egos is alsolet's say you look at that time the back dad lets take a look at what happens okso basically when we place the carbon shell here then we're gonna pull backinto the back part i'm gonna put lightning mcqueen into the back work heis going to roll forward so that's why you have this the door to stop the onehe rolls forward then when you push this

button if poor says lightning mcqueenunder carbon shell and then when you push this one if forces the carbon shellon the lightning mcqueen when you pushed back one again it launches the car outthe front door planned launch so like i said i meanthis is it's it's fun because you get the truck to unload this truck will holdprobably three carbon racers so that is something else this really cool i've gotmore of the carbon racers here let's see how many it will hold so if you put thelightning mcqueen carson race near the door you could put another lightningwith queen carbon racer there and a third one it will hold three lightningmcqueen carbon racer cars so that also

and then you should be to launch themout the door to let's see they've my possible they might jam up there becausethere's too many ok let's see so we might be able tolaunch them out one at a time so right there you go all of them with a long droughtlightning mcqueen launched a second lightning mcqueen is the wrong shapelet's see if we could push forward he's a little bit too why so he'll fit inthere but he won't launch ripped jeans will know and you could longshot thefirst one and then longshot the second one right behind this so that is coolthat you could launch a lot more than

one of them i really like back so let'stry that again longshot lightning mcqueen launched outlightning mcqueen who you see these are two different cars i'm not just palsyand running the same car through and then here's a look at some of the otherlightning mcqueen carbon fiber cars like rip clutch gonna ski carbon fibermcqueen regular mcqueen another carbon fiber mcqueen and this francesco denaliand there we go thats all the carbon racers i have now i will be doing othercarbon racer sets and i will be doing a full review these carbon racer carsthese three we're opening them up and they come in really cool packages so goahead and check that out

check out the playlist at the end ofthis video ok well i had a lot of fun with you guysand this is a really also was totally if you guys enjoy the video make sure you click the video youenjoyed the video you remember my club and guy stewie secret word is the word racers are a c e r go ahead and put that in the commentssection below the video you enjoyed the video and you remember my club to thisvideo and sears card a lot more fun videos

world millions and star wars peppa pigwow will have so much fun together i hope to see you soon

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