vroom vroom you have to catch me oh you caught me bang, there's a crash hurry red, there's an emergency hey there's fire on him, hurry water cannon on you have to get the tow line onto this part ok, now pull him up
yes, i'm free yay let's have a race ready set go red's the winner that was funny oh my goodness
kids, your dad will come home soon, pack up your toys and come inside the house please kiddietoysreview: toys and fun with ely and ela aaarrgghh!! daddy, stop the car, stop the car! what was that? what happened? come out and look it's so bad you crushed lightning mcqueen
oh no ok i'm coming to have a look oh no, what happened, what was that noise, what happened? you crushed him under the wheel i crushed lightning mcqueen? something really bad happened oh no, look, he's all broken oh, is that his wheel? ye
and that's the other wheel? what was he doing in the parking? we were playing with him before and you didn't clean up your toys? yes oh that's terrible, oh no, it's all crushed look, the plastic is all cracked even look at his guts wow it's so cracked
wow he's all cracked i heard two cracks, was there something else under the car? what? what is it? what's there? oh no, what's that? ooh he's completely stuck who is it? red
oh no, red's under the car as well he's stuck can you move the car back? what was he doing here? we were playing with him the same? you were playing with him too? uh ha where's mater, were you playing with him too? where is he, i can't see him
where is he? i think i see him where? over here is he ok? pull him out, is he ok? he's fine wow, lucky for mater, he's ok i think mater has to rescue lightning now
oh lightning, are you ok? lightning, are you ok? oh i think lightning's all crushed yep, i think too daddy, you have to move the car front to take red out ok, i'll move the car and take him out aarrgghh!! wrong way! oh wrong way? oops
wrong way! is that ok? yes, that's fine it's good daddy, why did you put the cars like that, what are you doing? we have to compress them for recycling so they don't take up too much space in the recycle bin oh are they compressed now?
ok, i think they'll fit in the recycle bin now oh look at mater, before he was fine oh he was fine before!?! i forgot he was fine oh that's terrible, i forgot he was fine i thought he got crushed before as well we have to throw him out oh poor mater crushed him as well
where's his eyes gone? oh no his eyes are crushed there they are it's stuck wow, lightning's completely crushed too now extremely crushed and so is red wow oh no, they're all crushed
we have to throw them in the recycle bin now throw them in the recycle bin pick up all the pieces already? not yet don't be sad, they'll be recycled into other toys and other kids can play with the new toys ok don't be sad aarrgghh!! you're going the wrong way
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