lightning mcqueen car toys

lightning mcqueen car toys

wow whoa! alright guys lets play! whistle what is that?!where is it? whoa whoa whoa whoa guys whoa what is that its a giant surprise egg yeahim going to crack it with a kick what the heck this is so amazing its the disney carslightning mcqueen playset wow its cars ramon color changers that is so awesome dude! that was inside the egg? yeah, and i cracked it open let go play withit kids ok guys lets plays woooo whoa i thought the water wow this is such a cool toy lookat this side oh nice this is the color changers lets see what is it called this is like thesame lightning mcqueen yeah it is coloring

changers yyeahh those are so cool lets getopening and started ok guys this is what it looks are you excitedlandon yeah wheres landon? there he is i see him here is lightning mcqueenramon and mater now landon i have a surprise for you its this thing close your eyes wegot this surprise ball right here and landon is going to see whats inside whoa whats inthere? another mater? who is that boost? boost! so we have 5 color changers! theseare the awesome color changers we have that we are going to play with this awesome possumtoy are you ready landon lets see wow hey

brother oh that was not nice mater! beniceto your bother be nice to your brother! whoa he is turning yellow guys see that landonyeah he turned yellow i can see you guys you forgot the other side hey mommy do yo knowwhat you can do whoa how did you do that i dont know its half yellow half red now weare going to do boost wow wait this is the shower guyshe is taking a nice shower letsturn him around wow cool he is all white lets slide him down the slidewow he turned purplecrazy ok which one are we doing next alright ramon you are next lets see what color youturn thats soo cool yeah it is lets turn it around wow thats a cool look ramon! thatsan awesome look! cool alright ramon we are going down the slide my friend whoa he turnedback into his color back to purple nice het

dont be mad ok your not bad ok how about itsmaters turn go down the slide lets see what color he turns guys whoahe turned brownhefliped hu? yeah lets try again lets turn him into theblue color wow lers see heis half blue and half brown hu? dpmt get me no more no more no more wow heis back to bronw he pieces ahead? whoa this is another disney car toys we willb=put a link below to check out that video this toy is awesome dude! yeah! whoa we didntgo that alright mater. whoahe flew out bye gusy thanks for watchingmake sure to subscribe for more changer color video yeah for more color changer videos wow

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