pixar's new movie cars 3 will be racing ontothe big screen this summer and we've just got the latest details on the new and returningcharacters we can expect to meet. we know from the first teaser trailer thatlightning mcqueen suffers a catastrophic crash that will lead him to reassess what his futurereally is. and pushing #95 off the track is an upcominggeneration of cars armed with bleeding-edge technology that can slice through the competition. let's take a look at the car leading thisnew wave of racers, lightning's new rival jackson storm. jackson storm is the face of the new generationof racing cars and he's been "trained on high-tech
simulators" and programmed for perfect techniqueand maximum speed. storm is a confident and cocky young rookiewhose piston cup sponsor looks to be igntr and whose racing number is 20. storm can outrun mcqueen with a top speedof 214 mph and can make zero to sixty in just 3.6 seconds. he's voiced by armie hammer who you'll haveseen in numerous movies including the lone ranger, the man from uncle, and the socialnetwork. helping lightning to find a way to competein this new world of cutting-edge tech will be his new trainer cruz ramirez.
and here she is: cruz is an unconventional young trainer wholeaps at the chance to work with her hero lightning mcqueen when he arrives at the rust-ezeracing center. cruz understands all the new technologiesthat have helped rookies like jackson storm rise to the top, and she decides to work withlightning to help him find a successful way back to the racing track. the duo practise and train together duringthe off-season to prepare lightning for the florida 500 event. cruz is voiced by cristela alonzo, a stand-upcomedian, actress and writer who starred in
her abc sitcom cristela, and whose voice you'llhear in the animated angry birds movie. and returning to voice the 5-time piston-cupchampion lightning mcqueen is owen wilson. so let's take a peek at lightning in cars3. it's been rumoured that this movie could be#95's final appearance on the big screen and that cars 3 could be slamming the brakes onthe cars franchise. one thing's for sure though, with lightning'stop speed being 198 miles per hour, which is nearly twenty below jackson storm whenhe's at full throttle, lightning will need to learn some new tricks from his trainercruz if he plans to stage a winning comeback on the track.
so guys, what do you think about the new charactersin cars 3? are you excited about the movie and do youthink it could be better than cars or cars 2? i'd love to hear your thoughts in the commentsbelow. if you enjoyed this video, your support isreally appreciated so do please like it, share and subscribe. and you can click any of the links here tocheck out more of my pixar videos on finding dory, inside out and the good dinosaur. thanks for watching and see you next time.
yippee ki-yay movie lovers!
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