disney pixar cars lightning mcqueen

disney pixar cars lightning mcqueen

hmm, i was supposed to meet mater at thisjunkyard, but i don't see him anywhere. i'll check over here. nope, no mater. what doesthat say? oh, car park. i guess i'll just park here and wait for him.i've sure been waiting a long time. mater is always late. whoa, what's that above me?it's a crane! hey, put me down!put me down! do you know who i am? i'm the world famouslightening mcqueen! oh boy! i hope that's not what i think itis. oh no, it's a car compactor. no, please. make it stop!make it stop! crush. pling.oh no, what are we going to do now? lightening

mcqueen got crushed in the car compactor.without lightening mcqueen we can't have a cars 3.wait, what's under this trap door? let's open it up and see.it's lightening mcqueen! just kidding guys, he's totally fine.pranks on you! thanks for watching and have a great day!

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