hi, miss sally. what's a beautiful car likeyou doing in a train station like this? are you kidding me, thomas? i'm right here!sally's my girl and you know it. sorry, four-tires. i can't help it if shedigs the six wheels on me. well, those are fighting words.sally would never want to hang out with you trains anyway.you've got such dorky friends like billy. huh-huh. how about your country friend, mater?dad gum! oh, shoot. you guys talkin' about how cool i am?pssh. no, mater.
i can prove i'm the most desirable.i'm the strongest person here. let's see who can pull the most freight, theni'll prove i'm the best. piece of cake! game on! ka-chow! check this out, thomas!yay! go lightening! whooo!go get em, mcqueen! ka-chow! i'm the best!wahoo! i'm the best. wahoo! take that thomas, i just pulled two traincars! wahoo! dad gum, mcqueen, two train cars isn't thatmany.
step aside lightening, let me show you howit's done. dad gum! mcqueen, he just kicked your butt!look he got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 train cars. woo wee! no one beats me, i'm lightening mcqueen.i can top that! ugh. ugh. these train cars are so heavy!ka-chow! i've got this. if i can pull bessie, i can pull anything! go, lightening, i believe in you!i got this, it's in the bag. ugh. oh no. i think my engine just blew. mcqueen, it's okay. yous were only pullingfour cars anyway.
oh common, that hippo counts as three cars.that things are heavy. uh, mcqueen, it's plastic... well, sally, looks like i'm the winner.i knew you'd win anyway. oh boy, that there thomas totally showed you.i'd better leave on a high note. see you later miss sally.bye. oh man, that thomas always gets all the girls. click on a picture to watch another fun toyvideo with thomas or lightening mcqueen, and don't forget to subscribe and like. thanksfor watching and have a great day.
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