disney cars games

disney cars games

hey everybody! welcome back to kids toys surprise. as you may remember, one of the things thati pulled out of one of my giant bags of surprise toys was this disney cars matching game. iam an absolute freak for matching games guys. one of my favorite games when it pops up onnintendo tamadochi life is the matching game. gracie always cracks up whenever we play matchinggames anywhere because she's like, "why are you so good at this?" so this matching game if from wonder forge.it's for ages three and up but honestly even super little kids can do matching games andthis doesn't have any small pieces that you could swallow.

so basically it's your traditional matchinggame and it has the tractor, the sheriff, sarge, tex and a lot of the characters. mater,red, finn mcmissle. (country accent) whatever you do don't eatthe pistachio ice cream. (laughs) comment down below if you remember that hystericalscene. my favorite scene from cars 2 is actuallywhen mater is in the bathroom. when he uses the bathroom in tokyo. that is the funniestscene in a movie. that is one of the funniest scenes in a movie, ever. so let's get this box open. there are seventy-two cards in here, so ihave to pop out the cards and then we will

shuffle them up and play some matching withdisney cars together. so here are the cards right here and don'tforget to stay until the end of the video when our little buddy finger puppet olaf isgoing to tell us what's inside this super secret sparkly surprise box. oops. i am always knocking him over. so here's the cards and each...get back onyour box sweetie, and go in the corner. "okay." so we need to punch out the cards and eachcard has a character. now there are matching ones. so you're going to have two of eachcharacter so that when you lay them all out

you can match them. so i'm going to pop out these cards, likelizzie, tex. yay! mater, my favorite. who's your favorite disney cars character? mineis mater and i also love luigi. (italian accent) i do a lot of luigi voice.i love ramone too. ramone is a-very cool. who is your favorite? we're going to pop these out and then setthem up to play some matching. so here we go. i've popped them out. we'rejust going to start with just a small group of cars. i have two of each character and i am goingto flip them over so that i can't see them.

on the opposite side has the disney cars logo.disney car matching. we're going to flip them all over and thenwe are going to shuffle them up and then we are going to lay them out in three rows andthen...maybe four rows, we'll see. then we are going to try matching. so we're shuffling. now we're going to line them up. so we're going to do one. count with me. two.three. four. let's do another row. one. two. three. four. now you can make this really hard. you cando all seventy-two at once.

one. two. three. four. so far we have three rows of four. who knowswhat three times four is? comment down below if you know what threetimes for is. gotta learn those times tables. those actuallycome in handy folks. now we've got one. two. three. four rows offour. oh this is going to get hard. let's make them fives. so we're going to addone. add one. now let's make it six. we'll put it on this side to make it morerandom. now we have...oh this is going to be hard.

this is going to be tough. (laughs) now here we go. we are going to play disneycars matching. so i want to show you my method for why i'mgood at matching games. i'm very systematic about it. but i need you to play along with me, okay? so we're going to flip over this top one righthere. okay so that's tex. so tex is up here. let's see who's underneath tex. okay, so we got tex and sally. can you rememberthat's where tex and sally are? okay, we got to flip them back over because they weren'ta match.

alright, let's see, as i make a mess of it,who's underneath sally. oh it's lizzie. so do you remember that we have tex and sally?now we have lizzie. who's underneath lizzie? fillmore. so we have tex, sally, lizzie andfillmore. okay. are you following my method here? idon't do this randomly. because if i do it randomly then i can't remember so much. now we're going to go to the next row. who'sup here? sarge. okay. tex, sally, lizzie, fillmore, and sarge. and ramone. oh this is a lot to remember. tex, sally, lizzie, fillmore, sarge, and ramone.okay. oh boy. can you remember that? can you

remember that? let's try it again. try itwith me. tex, sally, lizzie, fillmore, sarge, and ramone.oh gosh i hope we get a match soon. sherriff. oh no. oh no. so sheriff, and lightening mcqueen. now wehave two rows to remember. tex, sally, lizzie, fillmore, sarge, ramone,sheriff, lightening mcqueen. can you help me remember that? oh boy. okay. can we do this? let's see. doi remember? tex, sally, lizzie, fillmore, sarge, ramone,sheriff, lightening mcqueen. okay, please let this be a match for somebody. please.

oh it's not. luigi. oh no. we've got luigi and flo. oh my gosh. thisisn't' going well at all. okay, do i remember? tex, sally, lizzie, fillmore, sarge, ramone,i don't remember who this was, and lightening mcqueen and now luigi and flo. oh no. oh no.this is not going well for us at all. please be something that i know...yes! fillmore!do you remember where the other fillmore is? point at fillmore right now before i fliphim over. you ready? ding ding ding ding ding! we got it right.did you get it right with me?

that's our first match. oh. okay, but i think we're going to have a lotmore matches to make. who's this? this is mater. okay, we've got mater and,let's flip this one over. mater and mater! ding ding ding ding. yes! a match on the first try. that's awesome.oh and you can hear gracie skipping overhead. she's burning off some energy. okay, who's over here? it's sarge. okay, helpme out, guys. sarge, i think was at the beginning of this row? i don't know. point for me now.where do you think sarge was. do you remember where sarge was? point now.

i think it's this one. yes! dun dun dun dun!i get very excited when i get it right. okay, let's keep moving along here. flo. okay, do you remember where flo was?where is flo? flo was a kind of later on in the matching process. point at flo if youthink you know where flo was and let's see if you were right. i think flo is here. dun dun dun dun! i am the queen of matchinggames. so far i haven't gotten one wrong, have i?hmm...i jinx myself. luigi! wasn't luigi up here above flo?

yes! luigi! you see, my method works. okay, getting a little fuzzy on what was goingon over here. (laughs) i think it was tex, sally, lizzie, i think this is ramone. ah, it's all falling apart now. okay, who's up here? this is guido. we did not have a guido. iknow we didn't have a guido so let's see who is underneath guido. tex. okay, i'm pretty sure tex is over theresomewhere. so now you need to point for me which onewas tex.

was tex the first one we got? mmm..oh i think tex was the very first onewe turned over. alright, point at the one you think it was. yes! i was right! again! i love matching games. okay, and this was guido right? okay, this was sally and lizzie. and theseare all a little fuzzy for me now. (laughs) okay, sheriff. we did get the sheriff. wesaw the sheriff. i think i know where sheriff is, do you know where sheriff is? i think this is sheriff.

oh! i was wrong. no. oh no. okay, but i really think sheriff is in thisrow somewhere. so i'm going to turn sheriff over on this turn and i am going to go with. oh! no! oh no. that's really bad. okay, so i'm going to turn sheriff back overand i'm going to take a little break on trying to find sheriff. who's this? lightening mcqueen! i know wherelightening mcqueen is. yes! dun dun dun. did you remember that?

do you remember which one was sheriff now? yeah? okay. i think...yes! dun dun dun! yay! wedid it! we matched. we got sheriff. oh yeah! okay, now who was up here? let's look up here. up here is lizzie. do you remember where lizziewas? do you remember where she was when we started the game? i do. i think this is lizzie right here. yes! iwas right! dun dun dun. so proud of myself. so let's see who's over here. we are in thehome stretch. this is sally. sally was also one of the firstones. so point to the screen now. which one

do you think is sally? did you pick this one? cause you were right. yay! we got sally. dundun dun! (sings) we got sally. okay, so we know, right, at this point wehave four cards now. we've got these two we haven't looked at and we have these two. let'ssee what this is. this is guido. okay. which one of these twowas guido? do you remember? which one was guido? point now. yes! we got it, which means this one is ramoneand this one is ramone. yay! we did it! oh yeah! (chants) uh-huh. we did it!

and that's how you play disney cars matching.that's how you play matching games. that's my patented method. well i haven't reallypatented it. and now my buddy finger puppet olaf wouldlike you to look down upon him (laughs) and guess what is in the super secret sparklysurprise box. alright, olaf. what have you got for us today? "uh, i have something that has a lot to dowith what we just did but then it's nothing like what we just did." your clues are horrible, do you know that? "um, my clues are not horrible. my clues arehard."

alright, so i'm going to guess it has somethingto do with disney cars, right. "it has something to do with disney cars toysand stuff having to do with that." okay. i'm ready. show us what's inside the super secret sparklybox. (gasp) there's kinder surprise eggs in here.and they're disney cars. oh there's also shopkins hiding in the box. there's disney cars kinder eggs. yes! alright.let's put olaf and his... "i fell over again." i know i keep doing that to you.

okay, let us open up some disney cars toyskinder surprise eggs. now the only think i don't like about theseis that you have to put them together (laughs) usually. i'm going to try really hard not to make amess because i didn't get a plate or a bowl for my chocolate. so let's see what's inside this egg. can iopen it up without crumbling it into a million billion pieces? alright, let's see what did we get. what'sinside? (gasp) we got mater! we got tow-mater.

there you go. we got to put the stickers onhim. so let's get his stickers out. so here you go. these are all the differentones that we can get in this set. this is the special 3-d collection. and then we have all of the stickers. see.we have all these stickers. so we've got to put his eyeballs on. let's get his eyeballs on. ley's see. did i do this right? there we go. now mater has some nice eyeballs. and mater needs...where does that go? oh thatgoes on his door panels i think. let's put

this on his doors. am i doing that right? i think it goes onhis doors. see, the problem with me is i never actuallylook at the instructions. i just make stuff up as (laughs) i go along. don't do what i do, kids because i think i'mtotally doing this wrong. oh no. now the sticker is stuck to the table.oh no. oh no. oh crisis. okay. here we go. i got it. i shouldreally do this with the tweezers. i really should. so we're going to put this on his door.

there we go. and then it also has stickers for his wheelsand for his windows but i'm not going to do that because i think he looks adorable. whoops.i'm not going to do that because i think he looks adorable just like this. "i'm tow-mater. hello. my name is mater. tow-mater.everybody just calls me mater." very good mater. why don't you go back here. let's move this out of the way and let's seeif we got your buddy lightening mcqueen in this other one. let's see what we have here.

(hums) trying not to make a mess. oh and i forgot to put his little hook onbecause he is a tow truck of course. where would this go? does it go back here?there it goes. sure it does. sure mommy. you're so good with tiny parts. this was a good idea. there you go. now he's got his little towhook on. let's see who we got in here. trying not to break it into a million pieces. ah good job mommy. man i want this chocolateso badly. i'm going to be a good girl though. (laughs) i got another mater! what are thechances of that? so now i have duplicate maters.

maybe i'll have gracie customize this materto look like something else. cool. well thank you so much for playing disneycars toys matching with me. thank you so much. olaf, what should theydo if they like this channel? "they should give it a big thumbs up, commenton this video, and make sure to subscribe so you never miss another fun surprise video.yay! bye everybody." bye everybody.

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