oh wee last time i saw this many monster trucksit was at the radiator springs monster jam what brings you call to radiator springs.well hi there mater i guess me and my friends got a little lot we were going around towntrying to find somewhere for my friend darington to do some awesome stunts but letme introduce you to everyone. this big blue guy is crusher, this striped guy is stripes,and the dinosaur guy is zeg and we got pickle and darington. and my friend darington there isa daredevil monster truck he loves doing crazy stuff and is looking for somewhere for himto practice on some really awesome tracks so he
can prefect his craft. well blaze you cameto the right place see i used to be a famous stunt car myself. uh mater not this story again.well don̢۪t listen to lightning i really was and i can train your friend, i will be right back.alright i ma back and i am dressed as mater the greater. now i can teach your friends allsorts of tricks, lets go. well alright boys welcome to my stunt training center. oh wow that lookslike a really tall ramp i don̢۪t know if
i can land a jump like that mater. hey don̢۪t worryyou̢۪ll be fine darington if you can master this obstacle course you can land any trick youwant to try. so let me go first and then you can go. well paint my hood red i did not meanfor that to happen let me go again. now let me try the other side with tires alright herewe go in one two three woo wee i did it. wow mater that was amazing. well now it is yourturn buddy, go to it. okay i̢۪ll give it
a try. darington. wow yea! wow darington that waspretty amazing. but now here comes the real test, jumping over cars. okay i thinki am ready lets do it. well alright lets do it. now darington the trick is not look down thisramp is pretty tall so you just want to keep your eyes shut, hit that ramp and jump over themfour cars. wait a minute mater did you say you are going to try to jump over us? i don̢۪tknow about this. don̢۪t worry buddy you are
going to be fine. i am going, yea hooo. wow materthat was the best stun i have ever seen. hey there you have seen tons of my stunts though.oh yea i know. oh that̢۪s it i will prove guys wrong. oh my it is awfully high up herekind of scary but i have to prove to everybody i am the best daredevil truck in the world.ahhh ahhh ahhh no not again ahhh what does this keep happening. ahhh noooo. oh man thathurts so much but i will keep trying until i make it. *crashing* oh man this might takequite a while, well guys if you liked this video
please click like and subscribe if you wantto see more cars with blaze together and in comments let me know if you think daringtonwill get it right eventually. these awesome new toys featured in this video is the awesomeblaze diecast cars we have crusher, blaze and pickle here in the package. as well as,stripes, zeg and darington and they are cool feel just like monster cars. click on a pictureto watch another fun toy video and click on question mark to watch a mystery video.
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