kids, ely is having an afternoon nap let's wake her up ely, ely, i have a surprise for you whoa! what is it? it's a giant lightning mcqueen ball pit whoa it is kiddietoysreview: toys and fun with ely and ela do you want to jump in and search for surprise toys?
ye ok go for it whoa what a jump i found thomas that's flipping thomas wow he's so cool it's another little thomas it's a little thomas whoa there he goes
chugga chugga choo choo whoa he's riding through the ball pit balls i found something what have you got? mater whoa huge mater vroom vroom i found mater's control okay
can i put my face in the ball pit? you can whoa wow did you find it yet? not yet wiggle around but i got something else lightning
whoa huge lightning vroom little lightning thomas' remote whoa you've got flipping thomas' remote control i found big red whoa he's so huge nee naw nee naw he parked next to lightning
he did i found.... something... little red little red, whoa nee naw nee naw nee naw little mater he's got a lightning mcqueen sticker nee naw nee naw nee naw nee naw
look at all these cars and trains big thomas little thomas big mater big lightning big red whoa so many cars and trains hey kids, let's play with mater
whoa he's going in big circles whoaho he crashed backwards whohoho he crashed into the mouth thomas is going to flip backwards whoa you caught him i caught him just in time 'i'm ready to go'
i'm going to press the wheelie button 'wheels up' whoa hohoho he almost crashed into me whoahoho good catch that was a great catch big thomas is so much stronger because he's really big
want to check if there's any more toys inside? ok jump in dig around, see what you can find finn mcmissile whoa finn mcmissile press the grey button and look what happens whoa he's got cannons coming out and guns he's so dangerous
i got the cars basket whoa, what's inside? lots of disney cars wow, you want to tip it out on the floor? soft lightning and soft mater wow so many cars listen to lightning talk go go go whoa whoa whoa i'm not scared of francesco
i'm a world famous race car amigo, you don't know how happy i am to see you whoa how many cars do you have? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 and 37 37 cars, whoa that's so cool you forgot the ones on the bed 38 39
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 wow, 46 cars, that's huge! and that's so much cars and trains 'come on friend, let's roll' wow that was so cool it was so funny do you want to do it again? 'a little help please' he got stuck
he sure did here comes mater to rescue thomas i'm coming thomas whoa there they go mater got stuck but he's really strong he went through all the cars ye he did i'm going to check if there's any more toys got something
lightning mcqueen surprise egg open it up i wonder what's inside? i got... lollies mmmm yummy and a lightning mcqueen ball i even got some stickers wow that's so pretty
wow what a bouncy ball whoa there it goes boing... whoo got you thanks for watching kids don't forget to subscribe peek-a-boo bye ela are you ready to open your eyes, i have a surprise for you
yes open them up wow, a giant peppa pig surprise egg what? twenty two thousand two hundred and twenty two what does that mean daddy? that's how many subscribers you got over the weekend. congratulations! yay!
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